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This year we launched a new event called ‘Round Table Discussions’, hosted by Natasha Anderson.


These sessions will be held on the last Thursday of every month at 7pm. The first discussion topic was on ‘Busyness vs Productivity (Fruitfulness)’.  


The round table discussions are rooted in Proverbs 27:17 “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another”.  


We want to build a community where we come together to empower and mentor each other by imparting wisdom, to see each of us thrive. 


The sessions will be an hour-long session where we will connect, learn and grow. It's a safe space to discuss various topics and there will be a themed topic each month.  

All you need to do is come along and join in. 


The only caveat is that through these discussions you’ll have to take action to make positive change – “faith without works is dead”. 


If you need fellowship and feel Isolated in some way this is open to all not just single parents. So please come along and make new friends or get to know others deeper within the New Life Bible Church family. 


See you soon. 

Please email Pastor Caroline Chalkley for the zoom link if you are interested in attending (

Details coming soon...

Round Table Discussons
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