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About us


Fresh Start Ministry exists to support single parents with the challenges they face and their personal development. This can include issues regarding friendship, parenting alone, finances, social services and isolation.  


Fresh start helps and supports single parent families in a myriad of ways including counselling, prayer, advocacy, fellowship, networking, signposting and practical support.

Rick & Merliee Johnston

Lead Pastors

Pastor Rick's vision is that those parenting alone are cared for through New life Bible Church London, and this vision is being realised through the Fresh Start Ministry.

Clive, Caroline & Olivia

Single Parent Pastor


Caroline is a Single Parent Pastor and has a passion to see those parenting alone get back on their feet regardless of where they have come from.


Caroline was a single parent herself for many years, bringing up her two sons, Joe and Conor. Now married to Clive and has daughter Olivia.

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